I knew when I set my self imposed target that completing three full battalions of Russians before the end of March was going to be difficult. I am well on way to my second having spent the best part of two hours last night painting greatcoats last night, however I know that knowing finishing these and another 32 figure unit will be very difficult.
As a result I am going to 'treat' myself to a Russian 12lb artillery piece and crew instead. This will give me a bit of a break from painting infantry and will also mean that I have something for my Hussars to charge at !
By the time of Salute I will have 2 Russian Infantry 1 artillery piece completed, plus the two British Infantry Battalions and Hussar Regiment that Jim has already painted, ready for basing. I have also been working out which other packs I need to get from Wargames Foundry to round out my current Crimean Pile (3 if my calculations are right)
This should give me
Infantry (24 figures/battalion)
1 x Grenadier Guards
2x Highland Infantry
2 x Line Infantry in Fatigue Cap
1x Line Infantry in Shako
Cavalry. (12 figures/Regiment)
1 x Hussar
1x Lancers
2 x 9lb Foot Artillery
1 x 6lb Royal Horse Artillery
Infantry (32 figures/battalion)
4 x Infantry
1 x Jager (24 figures)
2 x 12lb Foot Artillery
I will need to get some Russian Cavalry to even things out. At the moment I am thinking Dragoons rather than Cossacks, much will depend on what takes my fancy when I buy them.
This will keep me gainfully employed for the rest of the year and is almost balanced.